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Once upon a time I created work that tried to be deep on multiple levels. It was rewarding to see what would be created and how far that I could push it. As time went on I began to realize that didn't reflect me as a person or an artist. Very rarely do I go deep on things as a person, so why try to force myself to do or be something that I'm not artistically?

Instead, the work that I create is now reflective of where I feel I am. Previous work was very personal, and it was great to mine that territory, but now if there is a pop culture reference I see, to me that is fair game. To create these pieces I use which ever medium that happens to resonate with me at the moment. It can be: drawing, printmaking, graphic design, mixed media, or artist books.

One of my favorite things about art is where it will be going. Who knows what kind of mindset or influences might come up in the future?! I do know that I look forward to seeing what works will be produced though. Thank you for stopping by and if you have any questions, please feel free to ask!


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